Monday, November 4, 2013


Unknown Youth Met Tragic Death Late Wednesday

Young White Man Found Dead Of Injuries Received On Railroad Near Emerson – No Trace Found of Relatives

An intensive effort is being made on the part of local authorities to find the identity of an unknown young white man who was found dead early Thursday morning of injuries apparently received from a train sometime Wednesday night.  The boy is estimated to be about 14 or 15 years old, but no clues or papers were found on his badly mangled body pertaining to his identity.

The youngster is about five feet, four inches tall, has dark brown hair and blue eyes.  His face and neck are covered with a wealth of freckles, and his only possessions included a home-made horseshoe nail ring and a miniature photograph of a baby girl about three years old.  He was wearing a pair of trousers of blue-gray checked material, boots and two shirts, one of which was blue and the other brown, over which he wore a brown suede jacket.

The body was discovered Thursday morning by a Southbound freight train crew, who came on to Cartersville and reported seeing the body at 7:35.

Coroner Hendricks was summoned and hurried to the scene later ordering the body transferred to Cummings – Long – Owen funeral parlors where a coroner’s jury composed of Dr. Stanford as foreman, Messrs. W.D. Ross, L.R. Brown, J.B. Lewis, Smith Mansfield and C.G. Darnell who gave the following decision:

"The young man met his death by falling from a freight train sometime Wednesday night or Thursday morning.”

An appeal was immediately made to Rome and Atlanta broadcasting stations to seek relatives of the young man and as The Tribune News went to press, Knoxville, Tenn., authorities were investigating the disappearance of a boy answering the description of the particular youngster.
It is thought that he had been traveling only a short time, since his clothes were not especially soiled or had the appearance of being travel worn.


The Tribune News, Cartersville GA, Thursday May 9 1935

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